The Dudley Historic House Museum is open every first Sunday (except December) for guided tours from 1 to 4 p.m. We are always looking for tour guides and/or door greeters.
We only ask you to volunteer two Sundays per year and we have a fun time chatting with the visitors who often like to share their old house stories. Volunteering in teams is encouraged.
Guides do not have to memorize the script and training consists only of an introductory tour followed by one training/practice tour. We also occasionally call on our docents for special tours. And the docent group meets for potlucks on a regular basis.

We are also looking for volunteers who are interested in historical restoration and maintenance, as well as garden upkeep and design. During the Holiday Boutique, we need many volunteers to work in the house.

Finally, we could always use new board members.
Join us! Please email your phone number and any questions to dudleyhouseventura@gmail.